Fashion in Process is a multidisciplinary research Lab at the Department of Design – Politecnico di Milano. FiP focuses on innovation for culture intensive industries, bridging technologies and humanities through a design driven approach.

FiP develops research, applied projects and knowledge transfer activities aiming at supporting and promoting the sustainable development of fashion and cultural and creative industries.

FiP was founded in 2014 by Paola Bertola, Chiara Colombi, Valeria Maria Iannilli and Federica Vacca, as a research platform supported by ad-hoc team of experts and collaborators.

Research projects

  • HeriTech4Fashion. Technologies and processes for dissemination and augmented fruition of the technical heritage in the fashion-textile sector

    Project details
  • Tender Worth II. Boosting competitiveness and innovation capacity of SMEs through creative partnerships and the use of new technologies Worth Partnership II

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  • DigiMooD for CCI. Digital Module of Didactics for Cultural and Creative Industry

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  • Fashion SEEDS. Fashion Societal, Economic & Environmental Design-led Sustainability

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