Website's ProjectIMAGIS LAB
Website's ProjectImagis Lab is a design research lab focused on branding, audiovisual storytelling and meaningful experience design.
We work on creative content, communication strategies and gaming experiences for branding and social innovation.
We are experts in audiovisual language and transmedia formats. Our passion is to collect stories and tell them, working collaboratively in various contexts and experimenting with experiences, forms of expression and interaction.
Moreover, our strategic approach has led us to develop an original approach to the design-led transformation of processes and meanings, based on the synergy between communication and marketing.
We collaborate with other disciplines and academic institutions, with professionals, citizens, public administration and private companies, researchers and independent organizations.
Research projects
ACTS. A Chance Through Sport
Project detailsCascina 9. A community-based project for the exchange of skills, stories and creative productions
Project detailscampUS. Incubazione e messa in scena di pratiche sociali
Project detailsNetwork for Visions. Una rete di saperi per la trasformazione urbana guidata dal design
Project details