The think tank of the Department of Design that transforms advanced academic research into convergences of innovation

The Department of Design is a privileged place for observing emerging transformations in heterogeneous sectors, for identifying signs of innovation between productive, technological and strategic sectors ranging from the scale of products to that of space and services. For this reason, the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano and POLI.design have created D\Tank, the think tank that promotes design as a tool to transform advanced research into convergences for innovation in favor of industrial, territorial, and productive systems.
D\Tank identifies strategic themes in which design is a driver of development and innovation, delves into their contents through scientific research, and identifies potential and connections with other strategic themes. The research results of D\Tank are supported by statistical data and expert validations. Through futures studies methodologies, the themes emerging from the research are then developed to produce convergences and related scenarios of innovation.
The results of D\Tank are presented through brief video scenarios that synthesize the most strategic convergences; podcasts that deepen the same scenarios; interactive maps that can illustrate thematic, productive, technological connections, etc.; a report that exhaustively collects the research results.
D\Tank aims to be a place for discussion and coordination between productive, technological, and entrepreneurial systems of the country, offering applied research, technology transfer, and business training.
The results of the first Digital Care call are available at www.dtank-design.polimi.it/home/cura-digitale
Consult the D\Tank website www.dtank-design.polimi.it