Reflections on Human Overconsumption
Raw Scenarios
22 June 2024, 11 am to 7 pm @ dotdotdot, via Tertulliano 68, Milan

The presentation event of the projects realised in the C1 Final Synthesis Workshop of the Degree Course in Communication Design (2023-2024) will be held on Saturday 22 June.
11 communication design projects, 11 communicative machines, 11 interactive experiences.
Raw Scenarios proposes 11 scenarios to involve us all in reflecting on the possible futures of food production and overconsumption.
Each of the projects started from the consideration, apparently obvious today, that our eating habits, whatever they may be, often and increasingly impact the ecosystem. They also cause exceedingly high social costs at all latitudes and suffering to human and non-human beings.
Foods such as tuna, coffee, salmon, soy, sugar, tomato, avocado, corn, rice, potatoes, and shrimp are the protagonists of possible narratives, with the intention of provoking and triggering reflections on our economic, social and food superstructures.
The projects are the results of an experimental educational path based on the risk of trying new solutions and techniques and verifying them on a real scale. Design speculations that are not meant to give answers and certainties: they aim to imagine new questions and reflect on contemporary and future times.
Free Entry
Supported by AIAP, Italian Association of Visual Communication Design
Francesco E. Guida
Pietro Buffa of Castelalto
Alessandro Masserdotti
Giacomo Scandolara
Teaching assistants:
Marcello J. Biffi
Pietro Forino
Adele Mazzali
Claudia Tranti