La grafica per contrastare la violenza contro le donne
We say stop
November 24th 2023, 5:00 p.m., Aula Rogers, Building 11, Leonardo Campus, Milan

The meeting "We say stop. La grafica per contrastare la violenza contro le donne", held in the presence of Rector Donatella Sciuto, is part of the programme of events organised by Politecnico di Milano in the context of the day for the elimination of violence against women and was born within the We say stop project, curated by the group DCxCG, Design della comunicazione e Culture di genere.
The presentation of the project will be followed by the inauguration of the respective exhibition at the Tunnel, in Leonardo-Bonardi Campus, that will display the 41 posters, selected through a call for posters launched in June 2023, allowing young designers to make their voices heard by using the tools, methods and languages of communication design to design posters aimed at countering, denouncing, preventing the multiple forms of violence against women.
The day will end with an award ceremony for the best projects.
The We say stop event will provide an opportunity to reflect on the contribution that the University and design can make, through collective work and network building, in supporting paths of knowledge and awareness of the phenomenon of violence against women.
The event will be held in hybrid mode, so it will be possible to participate online via this link.
Scientific Responsibility
Valeria Bucchetti
Francesca Casnati
Scientific Board
Letizia Bollini
Elena Caratti
Mauro Ferraresi
Francesco E. Guida
Sveva Magaraggia
Daniela Piscitelli