Exhibition inauguration
Interdipendenze. Visioni per l'abitare
July 9, 2024, 4:30 pm @ Orto Botanico Città Studi, Via Camillo Golgi 18, Milan

What future scenarios and possible (and sometimes seemingly impossible) spatial devices can we envision for collectively inhabiting the city in response to dystopian climate change?
Drowned lands, melting glaciers, heat waves, reduced biodiversity, and air pollution: these complex consequences of human action on the planet are the starting point for the first-year students of the Laboratorio di Elementi Visivi del Progetto (BSC in Interior Design). They have designed alternative futures that investigate current issues and explore new scenarios to stimulate present debates.
Evidence from the future, visions, scale models, and visual representations of 15 fictional ideas for inhabiting the city of Milan, where human and non-human actors create new relational forms, will be displayed.
The exhibition will be open from 10th to 12th July, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.