AI UK Fringe 2024
AI, Big Data and Democracy
March 7, 2024, from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm CET, online

On the 7th of March the Department of Design will participate as part of the "AI, Big Data, and Democracy Task Force", composed by the AI4Gov, ITHACA, KT4D, and ORBIS research projects, in the AI UK Fringe 2024, which will be hosted by the Alan Turing Institute and will bring together leaders in academia from across the UK’s AI ecosystem.
The Task Force operates within an interdisciplinary framework, drawing on various theoretical perspectives to address the complex intersection of AI, big data, and democracy.
The event consists of an online workshop that will guide participants in exploring the topic, focusing on the responsible development and implementation of AI to promote positive social outcomes and align with human values.
During the first part of the workshop, experts in AI Democracy & Ethics will deliver short keynotes, followed by a panel discussion. The second part will be dedicated to a series of live demonstrations of tools for using AI in deliberative settings.
The agenda for the day is available on the website, and to participate in the event, registration is required here.