Open Polifactory - Near
Exploring the circularity city across human and non-human worlds
April 4, 2023, from 6pm to 8pm, Off Campus Nolo, Viale Monza, 54, 20127, Milan

The human food system is making the planet and people sick, and urban food systems, in particular, are affected by complex socio-economic challenges, such as food and nutrition insecurity.
The design is addressing these challenges with a circular, participatory and systemic approach that takes into account not only the “human” needs of people but also the “non-human” needs of the planet. In addressing this challenge, designers are designing to engage, inform and empower public and private actors, third sector and citizens to become the primary agents for change.
Come find out how at NoLo‘s Off Campus, where Open Polifactory staff will curate a research projects showcase to open a public and concrete dialogue about a more-than-human design approach to urban circularity.
Free in-person event in Italian.
To participate, you must register at the following link
The event "Exploring the circularity city across human and non-human worlds" is the second event of "More-than-human(ity) An exploration of contemporary design boundaries."
To find out about all the other initiatives in the program visit Open Polifactory page.
- 18:00 - Welcome
- 18:15 - Open Polifactory: an open reflection on More-than-Human Design
by Open Polifactory staff. - 18:20 - Project Showcase More-than-Human Urban Circularity.
Projects on urban circularity for a more-than-human design perspective.
Showcase #1 - Reflow - Food market 4.0
Food market 4.0 is an integrated system of hardware and software solutions that tracks and monitors the flow of fruits and vegetables within Milan's covered municipal markets.
Showcase #2 - SOSpesa - Equity and recovery around the corner.
A solidarity service created and managed by a network of actors in the NoLo neighborhood in Milan to manage the recovery, distribution and valorization of food products.
Showcase #3 - The Collaborative Kitchen
The Collaborative Kitchen was a co-design and citizen engagement project that created circular solutions against food waste together with the diners, volunteers, food donors and public authorities of a charitable food donation system.
- Q&A and aperitif to follow