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Beyond Sustainability: Designing More-than-Human Urban Encounters and Justice Practices



Gianfranco Ferré tra ragione e sentimento

Palazzo Malinverni showcases the designer's sketches and iconic garments

Design for systemic change


Making cities in the age of uncertainty


ICG RenaisScience Hub

A true renaissance of ceramics through scientific research


QS World University Rankings 2025

Politecnico di Milano ranks 111th in the world and enters the top 8% of global universities of excellence


Exhibitions, installations and events of the Polimi Design System

Milano Design Week 2024


Design Philology

A historical and philological research project to celebrate design at Politecnico di Milano

Meet our researchers

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Paolo Volonté

Design, Technology & Society

A sociologist working at the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano, and today I took with me this strange object with a slightly high-tech, but also very low-tech design.

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Alessandro Colizzi

Join the dots: narrating design between archives and testimonials

I’ve just come back from Montreal, Canada, where I was a professor at the École de design at UQAM from 2005 onwards. I taught History of Graphic Design, Typography and Type Design, Exhibition Design and Critical Design.

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Stefana Maja Broadbent

The join challenges of social sciences and desing

I have recently joined the Department of Design as an Associate Professor. I am a social scientist.

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